Kaashi's Story, Chapter 3

Kaashi dropped out of view; the chieftain sighed and closed his eyes tight. 'What have I done?' he said to himself. 'If only I could've stopped him. I don't know what that thought was, but it was very strong; I fear the worst. I just hope he comes back well.' The chieftain got up and slowly walked away from the dock. As he walked back to the village, any yoshi he passed knew something was wrong, they just didn't know what because the meeting hadn't started yet.

By the time of the meeting, all the yoshis were buzzing with confused thoughts about the chieftain and why he was acting like he was. The chieftain stood on his podium with a somber look on his face.

"This meeting shall now come to order." he said in a depressing tone, "Any news from local yoshis?"

The congregation remained silent.

"I have mixed feelings about the news I bring: Kaashi has left for the mainland to go to school there. But right as he left, I had a strong prediction that he will have a pivotal moment in his life, bad or good I do not know, but he said another yoshi gave him this idea. Whoever told this to him please identify yourself now."

No hands were raised. The pink yoshi that gave him the idea had a very tiny look of guilt on his face, too small to determine.

"Please! Kaashi's life could depend on this! I need to know who!" The chieftain started breaking out in tears.

The pink yoshi couldn't hold it in any longer.

"I gave him the idea! I didn't know it would lead to this! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to kill him!" He started sobbing loudly.

"You and me both wish he won't die. I will not be the judge of your actions nor will I make you experience any more guilt. You've apparently suffered enough, I won't make it worse. But the point being is that we have to get him back! We need to make another boat and find Kaashi and get him back! I'm not sure if his pivotal moment will make him happier, but I won't risk losing a yoshi to such a cause! What are we without him? He provides some schooling and shows us some really amazing things; but without him, what do we have? We're a tree with no fruit without him! He's the glue that holds our community together! He's a hero, but even the bravest heroes need help, and now is his time of need! Now let's all start working on this boat! This meeting is adjourned!"

After the chieftain's words, all the yoshis started working on the new boat.

Meanwhile in the middle of the ocean, Kaashi is regretting something he should have taken. He groans.

"Three hours at sea and I forgot the most important things on a voyage: food and water! Ugh! I'm so hungry! Why didn't I at least eat breakfast before I left? I should start thinking before I act! It might cost me someday."

But a few seconds after he said that, the coast of the mainland started to fade into the horizon. Kaashi's eyes widened, he laughed with joy as the coast's clarity increased.

"The mainland! I made it!" he laughed heartily "The first part of my quest is complete! Mainland, here I come!"

Right as he said that, a heard a low roar behind him. He turned around and saw a huge wave coming straight for him. He screamed as the large wave sunk his boat and flung him out into the briny depths. As he broke the water's surface, he started flailing and panicking; but then he remembered something when he was young: not to panic in open water. He floated on his back and took a few deep breaths before regaining his composure.

"Well that was unfortunate, at least I can swim, besides, it's not too far anyway, I can make it!"

Just then, a rope from the sails tightened around his ankle and pulled him under. He yelped very briefly before he was immersed in the sea. He noticed the rope around his ankle nearly instantly; he tried to untie it, but the knot was too tight to be untied so he used his last resort: biting. He curled into a ball and started gnawing and thrashing at a weak part of the rope with his teeth. He freed himself quickly and started his ascension to the surface; he couldn't hold his breath much longer. He was rapidly ascending to the surface, thinking he was going to make it. About 5 feet from the surface, his vision faded to black and he lost consciousness.

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