Submit something!

So, you've registered, and you want to submit something to be put on the site? To do that, just send me the file, but follow the instructions below for each type of file:

Fanfic Chapters
Sprite Comics
Flash Files
Sprite Sheets/Construction Kits
Questions, Flames, Comments, etc
Submitting Via The Forums
Submitting Classified Ads

Fan Fiction Chapters

  1. Save the chapter as a DOC file, a TXT file, or an RTF file.
  2. If it's a new Fan Fiction story, specify whether it's a series story, a short story, or a single chapter story.
  3. If it's a new series story, attatch a picture to be used to go next to the chapter listings. Also specify whether it will be updated regularly or irregularly, the rating, and what category the story comes under (epic, comedy, etc etc etc.)
  4. If possible, compress the chapter using either Winzip, or Winace, or WinRAR.
  5. Attatch the file to the e-mail, but be warned that TXT files will be put into inline text (actually as the e-mail).
  6. Send it to darkmark3<at> with a clear subject line.

***Please note that I will proofread all stories for you and correct any spelling errors, but not grammatical ones. However, this is not an excuse for you to deliberately leave a bunch of mistakes for me to correct!***

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Sprite Comics

  1. Save the comic as a GIF* file, a JPG* file, or a PNG file*.
  2. If it's a new series comic, say so, and specify the rating.
  3. If possible, compress the comic using either Winzip, or Winace.
  4. Attatch the file to the e-mail, and send it to darkmark3<at> with a clear subject line.
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  1. Make sure there's a signature on the picture!
  2. Save the picture as a JPG* file. The fuzzying effect won't be noticable.
  3. If you can, please make and attatch a 100x100 thumbnail. If you don't, I will.
  4. If it's your first submission, write a sentance to go on the artwork index, saying what your work is and what it's about (CG'd official characters, for example). You can change this later if you need to.
  5. Write a sentance to go with the picture in your gallery. Any comments of yours are fine. You can also specify a title for the picture if you so wish. If you don't, I will.
  6. If possible, compress the picture using either Winzip, or Winace.
  7. Attatch the file to the e-mail, and send it to darkmark3<at> with a clear subject line.
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Flash Files

  1. Write a sentance to say what the file is about. This will be copied and pasted onto the site.
  2. Publish the file as a SWF* file with an HTML file, compress them into the same file if you can, and send them to darkmark3<at> with a clear subject line.
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  1. Save the game into whatever format it's published in. Do not send editable files unless you're sending stand-alone versions too.
  2. Let me know ahead of time that you intend to submit a game so I can clear out my e-mail account to make room for it!
  3. Compress the file/files with Winzip, or Winace. You must do this or your game won't be accepted. You may optionally split the compressed file if you have a very large game.
  4. Write a sentance about what the game is about. This will be copied and pasted onto the site.
  5. If you're sending a demo version, say so.
  6. If your game is not ready yet, you are free to send GIF, JPG or PNG screenshots.
  7. Attatch the file, demo, or screenshot(s) to an e-mail and send it/them to strachanian<at> with a clear subject line.
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Sprite Sheets and/or Construction Kits

  1. Save the SS or CK as a GIF* or PNG* file.
  2. You don't have to compress the file(s), but you can if you wish.
  3. If you want to share credit with someone, say so.
  4. Attatch the file(s) to an e-mail and send it/them to darkmark3<at> with a clear subject line.
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  1. Save the tutorial as a DOC, TXT or RTF file.
  2. If you have used any pictures, save them as GIF, JPG or PNG files.
  3. Compress the file(s) if you can and send them to darkmark3<at> with a clear subject line.
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  1. Save the tutorial as a DOC, TXT or RTF file.
  2. If you have used any pictures, provide hyperlinks to their internet locations in the article itself. Do not attatch pictures to the e-mail unless you absolutely have to.
  3. Compress the file(s) if you can and send them to darkmark3<at> with a clear subject line.
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Questions, comments, flames*, etc

If you want to say something, send an e-mail to darkmark3<at> with a clear subject line.

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Submitting Via The Forums

  1. To submit a file on the forums to be put on the site, you first need to register a forum account. It's completely free and allows you full member access to the forums.
  2. The same guidelines for submissions still apply.
  3. You may post, or 'publish', certain pieces of work that would otherwise be rejected, such as hand-drawn pictures of avatars of people not on the site, but they still won't be put up on the site itself.
  4. However, if a file breaches rejection rules of decency (Hentai*, Blood, etc) it will still be removed and you will be warned. If this happens repeatedly you will be banned from the forums and may or may not have your site membership revoked and all your site material deleted.
  5. Posting viruses or virus hoaxes will get you banned instantly, your membership revoked and your material deleted without warning.
  6. You can attatch just one file to a message or reply, so if you intend to make a multiple upload, such as several fan fiction files, either compress them together or make multiposts.
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Submitting Classified Ads

Only members may submit classified ads.
You can have a maximum of 10 ads at any one time..
To post an ad, either make a forum post in the requesting/recruiting forum, or send an e-mail to darkmark3<at>, but if you make a forum post please state that you want the ad on the site.
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