Chapter 1

One day a Yoshi named Waffle was walking down the miserable streets of Lyko, a kingdom where Yoshis live, not a single dog or cat or Goomba or whatever you can imagine. Just Yoshis. If another creature were to walk in Lyko everyone would have to charge at this creature and kill it, but that's enough about the kingdom now to the real story.

Waffle was in the kingdom Lyko. Waffle was hungry and decided to go to a hotel where they have food. So Waffle went in a food hotel. He ordered an apple pie, milk and a banana split. "That's 7 coins" said the Baker. Waffle just remembered he left his money in his backpack so he took a look. He saw 3 coins in the big pocket. "Oh man how do I get myself in these things!? I'm so hungry!" He checked the small pocket he saw 1 more coin. He looked on the floor and found 1 more coin. "I'll cancel the banana split because I only have 5 coins." Waffle told the baker. He ate his meal and felt tired so he decided to take a nap in the hotel.

The next morning he went outside to take a walk around the Kingdom. He walked around beautiful oceans and grassy field. He also saw a Brown Yoshi with red hair beat up a blue Yoshi with long darker blue hair. The blue Yoshi got up and drew his sword at the brown Yoshi and the brown Yoshi drew his sword. The two had a fierce battle, Waffle has never seen such powerful Yoshis before other than himself. He just walked away.

Waffle met up with a blue Yoshi with a Koopa shell on his back saying. "Are you from around here?"

"No, do you know the way to get back to the hotel?" asked Waffle.

The blue Yoshi paused. "You shouldn't be here. There are plenty of Yoshis here that plan on killing you." said the blue, shelled Yoshi. "I gotta get you ready." the blue Yoshi started attacking Waffle. Waffle wasn't ready for that so he was getting beaten up. He took out his weapon and attacked the blue Yoshi back. Waffle still was losing though. "I gotta make a run for it! I never knew he'd be this tough!" He ran away. The blue Yoshi chased him. Waffle picked up a big stone and threw it at the blue guys head. BANG!

"Ouch! my head hurts. Oh my god... I'm bleeding badly" said the blue Yoshi. "Grrr I didn't mean KILL ME! I MEANT DEFEAT ME!" He screamed at Waffle.

"Wow that was unpleasant. Oh well. I'll just pick up a couple rocks so I can throw them at people if they try to kill me," said Waffle.

Waffle walked for a while than remembered he forgot where he was. "WELL poop! Now I'm lost! I'm so tired must find the hotel... must find hotel must find-zzzzz" Waffle fell asleep on the ground.

In the middle of the night Scorpion, a yellow Yoshi that wears a hooded coat found Waffle. "Well well if it isn't the new guy. What should I do with this guy? Well he did beat up Darkarath...hmm well he might make a good sidekick." So Scorpion took Waffle to his base.

"Hmm? where the heck am I? Th-this ain't where I fell asleep. I fell asleep on the ground!" Waffle was confused Scorpion came by.

"Well hi new guy! I heard you are involved with the death of Darkarath. If so you must join my side!"

"Darkarath? Never heard of him honestly. Hey do you know where i am?" Waffle asked Scorpion. "... where's Darkarath...tell me.....or i will kill you. slowly and painfully."

Waffle was confused at first then creeped out. He was brave enough to grab a rock out and throw it at Scorpion. "heh heh it will take more than a couple of stones to take me out. You must be really stupid. Perhaps I don't want you... then I will no longer need you." Scorpion took out his scythe and attacked Waffle.

"POOP! Now rocks won't work! I'm doomed. But i brought a bomb. YES! Never leave a home without a bomb!" Waffle took out his bomb and threw it. It exploded and Waffle got knocked out.

Scorpion took no damage from it though. "Heh heh once again your little things will not do anything! What a shame!" Scorpion got his scythe ready to stab Waffle.

The brown Yoshi with red hair came to the rescue. He attacked Scorpion with his sword. Scorpion disappeared. "Dude, you okay?"

"Y-yeah I think so- HEY! I saw you fight that blue Yoshi! Did you win?" asked Waffle.

"Yeah but he's not dead. We're arch rivals so we fight everyday at least once! Oh and my names Slash." said Slash. Waffle and Slash became friends and made a team.

"WAIT A MINUTE! We can't create a team without a name!” said Slash.

"Okay we'll call our team... the cool team...NAH! that's too regular! How about...super team!... NO NO NO! I can't think of one! DANG IT! How bout this...Highwind....NO! Electric dynamite team?... NO! AWSOME TEAM!? NO!! LYKO PROTECTORS? ...maybe. Since we are protecting Lyko.

Waffle kept calling random team names until he came up with a good one "OH OH I KNOW! Anti-evil team!" So they went with that one. Will they kill all of the evil Yoshis? Was Scorpion gone forever? Find out on the next Chapter! The next one will be longer and cooler!

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