Kaashi's Story, Chapter 4

Kaashi's eyes opened sometime in the night, revealing an urban beach; he started to gag and cough heavily from all the salt water that got inside him. He slowly got up on his hands and knees and coughed more as he struggled to stand. Soon he started hacking and retching, but seeing that he hasn't eaten, he retched in pain and gagged as his body tried to cleanse itself. He groaned in pain as he collapsed on the sandy surface once again. Trembling and groaning in pain, he starts crying; for both pain and happiness for surviving such a terrible event.

Trying to recover, he did what he does best: astronomy, but being an urban environment, he couldn't see as many things as he could back on the island. A bit discouraged, he continued anyway, naming constellations, stars and stellar objects until he started getting tired and started to drift to sleep.

His sleep was interrupted by someone shining a flashlight at him. Kaashi squinted as he looked toward the light and saw that it was a teenager looking down at him with a confused look on his face.

"Do you mind turning that down please? It's hurting my eyes." Kaashi said to the teen.

"Holy crap! It talks!" he shouted as he dropped the light.

"Um, yes? I talk, just like you do."

"But that's-no! There’s no creature there, you're just losing your mind."

"Hey, you don't hear me saying that about you, I can see and hear you perfectly."

The puzzled boy poked Kaashi. "Ooh crap, it's real. But how is this possible? I've never seen anything like you... Oh! Wait a minute! You're a yoshi! One of my friends loves yoshis."

"I thought you people didn't think we exist?"

"Well, we've only heard about your kind, but seeing is a different story. Oh wow, I need to process this."

Kaashi gave the teen an 'are you crazy?' look as he paced the beach, talking to himself.

"Oh wait, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Mark. I'm sorry, I'm not usually like this, it's just that seeing something I thought didn't exist with my very eyes is just...wow!"

"I might as well introduce myself as well. I'm Kaashi. I came here all the way from Yoshi's Island, almost drowning in the process, which was scary. I came there to go to school, but I don't know what to do now."

"Hey, I go to school also, you look like a high school age type, maybe you can tag along."

"Um, I'm kind of skeptical, what human school has yoshis anyway? Name one."

"OK, that I can't do, but you seem like the right type for this school. I'm sure of it."

"I'm sorry Mark; I didn't hear what you said. I can't concentrate; I didn't eat or drink all day long, ever since this morning."

"Oh, I don't have any food or water on me, sorry Kaashi."

"Well, I can see small crabs along this area; those will suffice until I get something else."

Kaashi seized any crab he can see with his tongue and swallowed them whole; Mark's amazed and kind of disgusted at the same time.

"So, you're the real deal? Not some obsessed guy in a costume?" Mark asked.

"I believe we've been over this."

"Oh yeah, right."

"Crap! I forgot another thing I needed when arriving here: shelter! Argh! Now what will I do?"

"Well you were sleeping quite soundly when I found you, but you can't stay outside in the open like this, you’ll attract too much attention. I know of a place me and my friends used to hang out at, you can use that, considering that we abandoned it years ago. It’s just under that pier, there's a small wooden plank to show the entry, no one ever uses it, you'll be fine there."

"Thank you, I'll need that." Kaashi slowly got up and walked toward the pier, looking for the plank. Surely enough, there was a plank acting like a doorstep to a cave that Mark told Kaashi about.

"Granted that it is a bit damp and cold, you should be fine. I'll bring you stuff like a blanket and a pillow if necessary."

"Oh, thank you again. But just a question, why are you being so nice to me? I expected differently from humans."

"I don't really know actually, maybe it's like one of those bonds that we don't know about when we first meet, but suddenly grows at any time, you know what I mean?"

"Yes, but I'm really tired right now, so I'll just go to sleep. Thanks again for your hospitality."

"No problem." Mark said as he looked at his cell phone and gasps.

"What's wrong Mark?"

"It's my curfew; I'm about an hour late! Mom's gonna kill me!"

"A what now? I'm kind of oblivious to human rules and society. Just full yoshi you know?"

"I'll explain that tomorrow, I gotta go. Good night Kaashi." he said as he ran off.

"I think I'm feeling that bond he talked about, but for now, I'm going to sleep."

Kaashi closed his eyes and slept, despite the fact that Mark was rushing too much and forgot his pillow and blanket.

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